6 Tips For Effective Task Management

Ticking off tasks is one of the most critical components of any organizations success.

It starts off when top level management puts down a strategy for a certain duration to achieve a business goal. Then that strategy gets broken up into team level goals that each of us have to work on. Then these goals in order to be achieved should be broken down into a set of tasks if completed will help us achieve the goal.

So in that sense task management becomes an extremely important skill that we would need to develop for us to be a high value contributor to our organization.

Here Are 6 Tips That I Think Would Help You Effectively Manage Your Tasks:

Tip 1: Pick The Right Task Management App

This is an extremely critical step. You need to find the right task app that is able to provide all the features that you require to complete your task efficiently. Some of the most popular ones are Asana, Wunderlist, Notion, Tick Tick (my personal favorite) , Evernote, Google Tasks and Microsoft To-Do.

Pro Tip: If you use a different app than what your organization uses you can setup automation (power automate or zapier) to help avoid any double entry.

Tip 2: Task Prioritization

If you are like me you must be tired of hearing about the Eisenhower Matrix. It might work for some people and not for others. So here are some other prioritization techniques that you can follow.

  1. 1-3-5 List

    Pick 1 big thing, 3 medium things, and 5 small things to accomplish.

  2. Eat the Frog

  3. Pareto Principle:The Pareto principle in time management states that 80 % of results will come from 20 % of your effort.

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