Digital Payment Systems and Fraud Detection : A CPA’s Toolkit

Understand today’s prevalent digital payment systems and emerging fraud tactics targeting them. Explore techniques CPAs use for fraud detection and best practices to protect clients as payment technologies and risks evolve.

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Cryptocurrency Accounting Best Practices in the USA

In this post: Introduction In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency, understanding accounting best practices is not only crucial but also complex. Cryptocurrencies have introduced a new dimension to financial management, especially in the USA, where the industry is burgeoning. Navigating through the rules and regulations of Cryptocurrency Accounting is akin to exploring uncharted territory. So,… Continue reading Cryptocurrency Accounting Best Practices in the USA

RPA: Revolutionizing Finance for SMEs

Whats in the article The finance function, a critical component of any small or medium-sized business, traditionally involves manual, time-consuming tasks. These manual processes can lead to errors and inefficiencies. For instance, a simple data entry error can result in significant financial discrepancies. According to a report by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, businesses… Continue reading RPA: Revolutionizing Finance for SMEs

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Leading Beyond QuickBooks: Beyond Basic Accounting & Finance

Forward-looking organizations need to go beyond what online finance and accounting applications such as QuickBooks etc. offer. Standard reporting features are not empowering enough. How forward-looking SMEs can provide more options and considerable versatility in customizing reports that will empower and enable effective executive leadership. Two Different Approaches   There are two kinds of business… Continue reading Leading Beyond QuickBooks: Beyond Basic Accounting & Finance

Is Reconciliation a major headache? Ease it with Automation.

Reconciliation at many firms remains a laborious, time-consuming, and risk-laden process, where employees are forced to hunt through piles of spreadsheets and tick off every transaction manually. This approach is inefficient and unsustainable, severely limiting firms’ ability to compete. Automation in reconciliation Is it time for a change? Streamline and Simplify with Automation Reconciliation can… Continue reading Is Reconciliation a major headache? Ease it with Automation.

Digitization in SMEs – Transforming the Finance Function

Digitization has been altering and redefining many business models and processes for some years now. Some future-focused organizations have recognized the importance of going digital. But many lag simply because change is not easily accepted with the masses. Disruptions can only be handled with change. In this article, we explore the various ways digitization in… Continue reading Digitization in SMEs – Transforming the Finance Function

DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION: Reshaping the future of finance and accounting

Digital transformation represents a key competitive opportunity, highlighting the fact that going digital is a top priority for everyone in every industry. All firms in all industries will eventually need to be finance and accounting empowered with the newest digital technology capability.    BUT…  Research shows that most firms spend less time on digital empowerment. Obsolete and traditional financial practices are still used.    Key… Continue reading DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION: Reshaping the future of finance and accounting

Tools & Technology: Digital Impact on Accounting

In this write-up, I will be continuing on the digital impact of accounting and discuss the different technologies that are at the forefront of accounting. If you have not read my first post about Digital Impact of Accounting you can read it here “ In this article, the focus will be to look at the following… Continue reading Tools & Technology: Digital Impact on Accounting

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